JAX Woodworkers Club
Adopted by full membership on April 20, 2013
2. Monthly meetings will be held on the third Saturday of each month.
3. Each meeting will be opened with a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.
5. No member may spend any club money without the approval of the treasurer. Any amount over $100 must be pre-approved by the club membership.
7. The treasurer is authorized to purchase wheels and axles for the club's Annual Christmas Toy Project. The Toy Chairperson is in charge of their distribution.
Officers Duties
The President shall preside at meetings, appoint committees, and oversee meeting room setup and scheduling. After the election of officers in April, the President will hold an officer's meeting before the May meeting to plan activities for the coming year and assure each officer understands their duties. The President will speak for JAX WOODWORKERS CLUB in all correspondence and contact with other agencies and organizations.
Vice President
The Vice President shall stand in for the President in any function when the President is unavailable as well as assist the President as needed. The Vice President will chair any committee established by the President.
The Treasurer shall collect and disburse funds, maintain financial records, prepare a monthly financial report for the monthly meeting, maintain the bank account, and make recommendations for purchases.
The Secretary shall keep a record of all club business, report on the previous meeting, distribute a copy of the minutes to all officers, and assure the minutes are available for publication on the web site.
The Chaplain shall provide spiritual leadership and lead the opening prayer at all functions.
Sergeant at Arms
Maintains order during the meetings, monitors meeting attendance, supplies attendance to the Secretary for inclusion in the meeting minutes, is responsible for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Membership Chairperson
Works with Treasurer to verify which members have paid dues, maintains accurate records of current membership, makes roster available at each meeting, assures current membership records are on the web site, assures each member has a name tag for each meeting, welcomes new members and guests to the meeting and follows up by providing a welcome packet to each new member.
Stores and maintains organization's equipment, assures its availability for monthly meetings, and assists with room setup for monthly meetings.
Toy Chairperson
Fosters enthusiasm of the membership to make toys for donation that is held the third Saturday in November, assures toy plans are available to all members by providing paper plans at each meeting, makes sure plans are available for members on our web site, and is responsible for obtaining and maintaining supply of wheels/axles assuring they are available for members at each meeting.
Show and Tell
Assures space is available at meetings for display of projects, introduces participants at meetings, encourages participation in Show and Tell, prepares an annual Show and Tell list of monthly "themes", solicits participants in the Saw Dust trail and establishes a Saw Dust Trail schedule.
Calling Captain
Gathers as many callers as necessary to assure that each member is called each month prior to the meeting as well as any special club event, assures each caller reminds the members of the Show and Tell themes, and informs them of anything important pertaining to the upcoming meeting.
Presents a talk at each meeting concerning some aspect of shop safety.
Web Master
Maintains current web site assuring accuracy, monitors renewal of Web Hosting and Domain Name, and sends reminder broadcast emails to all members for Show and Tell and meeting reminder as well as for any other group event.
Shop Talk
(This officer position was created at the May 20, 2017 meeting by vote of all present.)