5,191 Smiles made by the Jax Woodworkers Club Elves
On November 12, 2022, Jax Woodworkers Club was honored to be able to donate 5,191 toys to seventeen area organizations that help children. In the past 30 years, JWC has donated more than 65,000 toys. Each agency sent a representative to pick up toys to help the children get through the trauma they are experiencing in their lives. The toys bring a smile to their faces and many moments of fun and imagination that carries them away from their troubled lives.
Below is a list of the agencies - most have a link to their site:
(Each link will take you to a new window - just close to return to JWC Site)
- Baby Luv Pg Crisis Ctr
JWC offers a special thanks to St. Catherine's Episcopal Church for opening their doors and donating space for this event. A special thanks goes out to the volunteers from St. Catherine's for helping make this possible. Also, we want to honor Friendship Quilters Guild for making all the quilts for the cribs. Each one is different and made with love.
We could not have done this without the help of our sponsors. THANK YOU!
Rulon International
Lindler Mfg. Co. Inc.
Floridian Design - Custom Cabinetry